You've got a strong passion for photography but you’re stressed and overwhelmed about where to even begin with clients. The worry and anxiety is off the charts

When you dive into a photography business, there is no college major that gives you the road map to build a profitable and fulfilling business. We vividly remember jumping in, feeling lost, and burning the candle from both ends as we tried to build the business of our dreams. Every photographer we know got into photography for the creative, people-centered art of it. They didn't dive in to manage an inbox, pour over spreadsheets, or stress about other un-sexy topics.

you crave a successful business but with no roadmap and too many things to accomplish, you're paralyzed

have you ever felt lost?

You’ve been in the game for a couple of years but you still haven't gotten the growth you desire. YOU NEED A CLEAR ROADMAP ON HOW TO STREAMLINE YOUR CLIENT EXPERIENCE

you're horrible at business and just want to be creative. Give you all of the composition, lighting, and posing and you're good, but your biz can't support the passion

Do any of these sound like you?

your photography "business" is still a really expensive hobby. You can't figure out how to turn a profit and always arrive at the end of the year with nothing to show

your spending time away from all of the things you love - your family, friends, and hobbies - but can't seem to figure out a way to make the biz work for you

let's do this!

Solid marketing tools from branding and networking, to actively seeking out leads!

The confidence to choose your name, niche, and how to protect yourself and your biz!

Knowledge on how to build your business from the ground up, like registering and taxes!

Understanding of your client workflow and confidence in stepping from part-time to full-time!

by the end of this program, you will have:

but guess what?

It doesn't have to be that way.

100% Online Lessons. Unlimited, Lifetime Access. You can learn from home at your own pace

Access to a Private, Student-Only Facebook Community for support and guidance on your journey. You'll meet your new photography besties

150+ Page Digital Workbook outlining course concepts, additional examples, work pages, and important takeaways

30 Lessons, including 3 bonus lessons to take your biz to the next level

5 Training Modules with over 10 hours of engaging lessons jam-packed with tangible takeaways and a-ha moments.

(A $1,397 Value)

When you enroll during this special, limited time period, you'll get:

The Business Lab

i want all of your secrets!






Make sustainable profits doing the thing that you love

what if this could be you?

sound like a plan?

with this course, you can...

book your calendar full of paying clients who truly value what you do

raise your prices, attract your ideal clients, and know how to convert inquiries into actual bookings

stop being scared of those tricky topics like llcs, insurances, and taxes and get back to the fun creative work

have a business that works for you instead of the other way around


3 monthly payments of

most flexible

3 Elevating your Market Bonuses

150 page Student Workbook

Private Facebook Community

Lifetime access to The Business Lab


single payment of

Lifetime access to The Business Lab

Private Facebook Community

150 page Student Workbook

3 Elevating your Market Bonuses

best value

save $43

join now & pay monthly

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our students' transformations from taking The Business Lab

real students with real results

"Before this course, I was feeling a little lost. Even though I've been doing photography for three years now, I knew I could use some help with little pieces and I learned A LOT from it. If someone was hesitant to invest, I would tell them Jump into it! You will not regret purchasing the Business Lab, it literally is the key to have a successful business. Cameron & Tia have literally put it all in one place for your to kick a$$!"

is a seasoned photographer who was previously feeling lost


 "If someone asked me to describe this course, I would describe it as beyond HELPFUL, VALUABLE, and ESSENTIAL!"

"Cameron and Tia have done it again. I took their Posing for Purpose course when it came out and I knew they had something that other educators may not have. Cameron and Tia teach you confidence through these courses by providing bucket loads of information that would normally take a person years and years to come up with. I already know that one year from now my business will not look like what it looks like now, in a good way!"

felt like she was in a rut after a few years of business


Now she feels equipped to "change the trajectory of her biz. Cam & Tia gave me 10 years worth of knowledge in one course."

"My biggest win since taking The Business Lab course is gaining confidence and having actionable steps that are more digestible and achievable, instead of having analysis paralysis. I came into the course with a rough idea of what to do, but Cam & Tia organized it in such a way that I don't feel paralyzed with inaction like before and instead I have taken many steps to get where I want to go. I can't wait to see how my business transforms in the upcoming months by utilizing the steps and resources they have provided in the course!"

transformed from paralyzed with indecision into A confident queen


"There is something for everyone in this course! There is EVERYTHING you need to go from nothing, to booked out!"

1. Welcome to the course
2. how to successfully complete the course
3. our journey
4. figuring out your why

In this module, we set the framework for a successful course completion. We layout the best ways to approach the course and apply tangible takeaways.

Introduction to Building a Photogaphy Business

Module 1

next module overview

1. choosing your name
2. choosing your niche
3. making it official
4. pricing

In this module, we're diving in to all of the topics to make your business legit! Intimidating legalese and money-talk, be gone!

Too Legit to Quit

Module 2

next module overview


1. the foundation
2. building a brand
3. designing your website
4. establishing a personal brand
5. figuring out your marketing plan

From branding to creating your cheer squad of raving fans, we're hitting all the topics for you to bring your marketing A-game!


Module 3

next module overview


1. Guiding principles
2. preparing to create your client workflow
3. the wedding client workflow: the inquiry
4. The Wedding Client workflow: the Consultation
5. the wedding client workflow: onboarding to the end
6. the portrait client workflow from start to finish
7. awkward asks

We are breaking down our entire client workflow from inquiry to finish plus covering any sticky client situations

The Client Workflow

Module 4

next module overview

1. your work/life relationship
2. streamlining your business
3. the plan to go from part-time to full-time
4. protecting your passion

This module is all about scaling your business and taking it to the next level. Productivity hacks, outsourcing, and automations are all within here.


Module 5

next module overview

Bonus #1 is all about how to attract a luxury market. We're breaking down the ecosystem of luxury weddings with tips on professionalism, vendor relationships, and general etiquette. 

How to Attract A Luxury Market

Bonus 1

next bonus overview

Our second bonus is how to attract a destination market! Recorded in Lake Como, Italy after shooting a Tuscan wedding, we are divulging how we market ourselves as traveling photographers to shoot in bucket list locations like Banff and Hawaii.

How to Attract A Destination Market

Bonus 2

next bonus overview

recorded in Lake Como, Italy!

If you've got a move coming up or always wondered what it would be like to pack your bags and resettle your biz in a new location, this bonus is for you. We cover content trips, networking with new vendors, and doubling down on SEO.

How to Move To A New Geographic Market

Bonus 3

back to the beginning


3 monthly payments of

most flexible

3 Elevating your Market Bonuses

150 page Student Workbook

Private Facebook Community

Lifetime access to The Business Lab


single payment of

Lifetime access to The Business Lab

Private Facebook Community

150 page Student Workbook

3 Elevating your Market Bonuses

best value

save $43

join now & pay monthly

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We're Cameron & Tia

Meet your Teachers

we help photographers build businesses & lives full of freedom & Creativy

Met in 2nd grade and became high school sweethearts

Ex-lawyer & ex-dance teacher turned business partners

Built a six-figure photography business

Live in Minneapolis, MN

Paw-rents to an adopted pup, Bella

Instant. Unlimited. Lifetime Access.

No membership fee. no annual subscription. always available.

10+ hours of engaging video lessons

student workbook to download or print

3 bonus lessons

private facebook group

What's Included

Frequently Asked Questions

1. When does the course begin?

Absolutely! There is a payment plan option available so you can access the course instantly for a lower cost up front. If you’re wanting to stick to a budget, but also get started today and see your business take off, choose the payment plan option. 

2. Do you offer a payment plan?

3. How long will I have access to the course?

4. Will this course be offered again? 

5. How does the 30 day money back guarantee work? 

6. I’m still not sure if the course is right for me or I have additional questions. 

Once you invest in this course, you will have lifetime access to all of the content, as well as lifetime access to the online Facebook Community! Watch at your own pace with one lesson a week or binge the entire course. But you can always come back to rewatch and refresh. 

2. Do you offer a payment plan?

3. How long will I have access to the course?

4. Will this course be offered again? 

5. How does the 30 day money back guarantee work? 

6. I’m still not sure if the course is right for me or I have additional questions. 

Yes! However, it will only be made available to a select number of photographers each year. In order to maintain great customer service, we only open enrollment for a limited time period. Enrollment for this round closes on August 4th at 11:59 pm.

2. Do you offer a payment plan?

3. How long will I have access to the course?

4. Will this course be offered again? 

5. How does the 30 day money back guarantee work? 

6. I’m still not sure if the course is right for me or I have additional questions. 

The Business Lab is backed by our 100% money back guarantee. If you purchase the course, complete all of it’s content, implement what you learn and still find that you’re not a better business owner as a result of this course, email us and we’ll refund your purchase. Why? We’re confident that you won’t need it, because if you do the work, this course works. 

2. Do you offer a payment plan?

3. How long will I have access to the course?

4. Will this course be offered again? 

5. How does the 30 day money back guarantee work? 

6. I’m still not sure if the course is right for me or I have additional questions. 

Please contact us directly at hello@cameronandtia.com. We’ll help in any way and let you know whether or not the course is a good fit for you. You can expect back a sincere message (often via video) walking through the pros and cons of your unique situation. 

2. Do you offer a payment plan?

3. How long will I have access to the course?

4. Will this course be offered again? 

5. How does the 30 day money back guarantee work? 

6. I’m still not sure if the course is right for me or I have additional questions. 

And while we feel confident that our path to building a successful business could help you do the same, we also want to show you other options. 

We know that building a business is not a one size fits all kind of scenario. We want to share with you the good and the bad, the mistakes we made, and the paths we didn’t take. 

We want to share our own experience to present you with all of the options for building a successful business and then allow you to explore the concepts for yourself.

So, imagine yourself back in a science lab. Don the lab goggles and let’s get to work. No previous science experience is necessary. ;) 

breaking down the "lab" format:

what's the deal with

The Business "Lab"

We know there's no such things as a magic pill or an easy button, but this stuff works! Check out what our students have to say after taking The Business Lab. 

According to a student survey, our students felt confident, capable, and excited to create the business of their dreams after taking The Business Lab. 

don't just take it from us!

See what real students are saying about their results

Yes! Sign me up!


3 monthly payments of

most flexible

3 Elevating your Market Bonuses

150 page Student Workbook

Private Facebook Community

Lifetime access to The Business Lab


single payment of

Lifetime access to The Business Lab

Private Facebook Community

150 page Student Workbook

3 Elevating your Market Bonuses

best value

save $43

join now & pay monthly

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Let's Talk about our Bonuses!

because we love a cherry on top

These three bonus lessons will focus on how to attract a luxury market, how to attract a destination market, and how to move to a new geographic market! We're equipping you for all of the changes that your business may see from cross country moves to desiring new markets like traveling and high end weddings.

Included in the Course are 3 Bonus Lessons!

our gift to you!

we couldn't include just one!

Alexis says:

Real People. Real Results.

don't just take it from us

the comprehensive guide to starting or revamping your photography biz

If someone was hesitant to invest, I would tell them to do it anyway! If you’re anything like me and sometimes just need someone to tell you what to do or where to start, this is it. Being a business owner, there’s SO much we have to think about and Cameron and Tia give you a solid foundation so that nothing slips through the cracks. 

Alyssa says:

I could have saved a LOT of time and done things right from the beginning 

The Business Lab literally walks through everything that I wish I would have known when I started.  I have had my business for a little over a year and it’s taking me that long to learn a lot of what the business lab has to offer. 

Teya says:

For someone who does not know where to start: THIS COURSE IS FOR YOU! 

This course gives you so much quality information to quickly apply the material to your day to day process of your business. I love how this course provides everything you could need to know by walking you through everything step by step from finding your brand and building your website to creating a client experience and efficiency within your business.

i want to be a student!


3 monthly payments of

most flexible

3 Elevating your Market Bonuses

150 page Student Workbook

Private Facebook Community

Lifetime access to The Business Lab


single payment of

Lifetime access to The Business Lab

Private Facebook Community

150 page Student Workbook

3 Elevating your Market Bonuses

best value

save $43

join now & pay monthly

join now & save

word on the street

straight from our students

I can't wait to create the business I've always dreamed of and an experience for my client's that knocks them out of the water. I'm no longer letting fear hold me back. I'm ready to conquer decision paralysis and hopeful for growth!

I'm sold.

Get me inside the course!

Yes, i'm ready! sign me up!

The Business Lab is currently closed for enrollment

sign up to get on the waitlist to get notified when the course opens again